e.e. cummings or E. E. Cummings?

In one of my recent live Handwriting Events, an attendee asked me why c.c. cummings (or C.C. Cummings) "always," wrote his name is lower case. I remember seeing this before and thought it was "cool" (using a 70's term) and thought it was for "effect" (much like I purposely use an exclamation point after my name, Ter Scott!). 

So, going to the Internet this morning (if it's on the Internet it has to be true, right?) and found this:

It seems that the convention of writing “e. e. cummings” in lowercase came about after some publishing houses printed his name on the cover in lowercase letters. After a critic wrote that e. e. cummings had legally changed his name to lowercase letters, Cummings’ wife wrote, “you should not have allowed H. Moore to make such a stupid & childish statement about Cummings & his signature.”

If you want to read the entire article, CLICK HERE.

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