Ter Scott, Graphologist, insists that Elvis is indeed alive.

Well, you can add me to any list you may have of “crackpots” who believe that Elvis is alive. I believe this with all my heart and soul. If you were to ask me if I am a crackpot of course I would tell you that I am not. I tell you this because after watching an hour long video, there were many things which seemed plausible, but there is one thing in the video that substantiated the evidence that thrills me to no end that the King truly is Alive! I will tell you what that “one thing” is, in just a minute.

First I must tell you that I believed the lie of his death and also laughed at the thought that Elvis is alive. Most of us have. Why? Because that is exactly how everyone is made to think. Jokes and cartoons were made about this. With all the impersonators of Elvis doing tributes, when someone says that they’ve seen Elvis we’d all laugh… but now I’m almost ashamed of myself for not checking out the facts. As a public speaker I know that for humor to exist there has to be some truth. Dear reader, I tell you that there is more than just “some” truth in the “I’ve seen Elvis” testimonials. It’s like so many things in life, that now I’m older, I see areas and times when I just “went with the flow” and never questioned things. I’m now glad to have my eyes opened; Elvis is alive and this is no joke.
It may be kind of scary or disconcerting at first, but when you get over that, you become excited in a way. But then you think of everything he went through to fake his death and live in hiding all this time; to give up so much, or at least what the world thought was “so much”.

As a Life and Legacy Coach ™, the twists and turns of our life fascinate me and I’m all about helping people live life to its fullest on this side of eternity and then to leave a legacy for others when they reach the other side. But it is my being a graphologist that gives me the 100% assurance that Elvis is alive!

I have to pause to gather my thoughts that are racing in my mind right now to get these words out on this post.

I just watched a video about Elvis being alive and whether or not it’s a hoax etc. etc. I tell you that I was not searching for any such video. I would have been just like all the other scoffers out there if it wasn’t for me hearing a song on the radio this evening. Please indulge me in telling you this and I promise I will share why I know beyond any question that Elvis is indeed alive. But I need you to know that I’m just not creating this article out of thin air.

Are you one who agrees that “nothing happens accidently” or that “all things happen for a purpose”? If so, this will add credence to my story.

I heard someone singing a song on a “country gold” radio station and thought that it sounded like a favorite songwriter of mine, Mac Davis. I did a Google search using the song lyric: “I never made love until I made it with you”. It sounded like Mac’s voice but I didn’t remember him singing the song. Sure enough, the Google search proved me right. Then I saw a video where (a much older) Mac Davis was being interviewed on a radio show about a time he was at a movie with Elvis Presley. Then I watched a tribute Mac did about Elvis where Mac stated that he wrote “In the Ghetto”, “Daddy Please Don’t Cry” and “Memories” which were all million dollar sellers. He went on to sing Memories, and I found an Elvis video of Elvis singing it and then just had to listen to Elvis sing, “In the Ghetto”. I listened to it twice. Once on YouTube and then after I placed this in my Facebook page:

If you were to look in the 1975 Yearbook for Hinckley High School, you'll not find my name written anywhere because instead of my name I signed it: "Mac Davis". This man's songwriting influenced me that strongly. He wrote songs for Elvis and this one especially touched my very soul in '69 when Elvis sang it as it still does this day. Listen to this song and you may wonder why things have not changed much. Also, does anyone know the real title of the song: "In the Ghetto"? (I do; just want to know if you do). Here's Elvis... (followed with a link to the Elvis video on YouTube).

Then it happened. I saw an interesting video about Elvis. It was titled: “Is Elvis Alive? Conspiracy; Hoax? I almost started looking for more music videos but saw that the date on the video was relatively recent, Published on Jan 13, 2014. Then I checked to see how long the video was and it’s a bit over an hour in length. I almost left the page at that point but I’m so glad that I didn’t. Being a fan of Elvis I thought I’d give it a chance. If it got boring or “crazy”, I was going to move on.

Again, I apologize for what you may be thinking of as the “ramblings” of just another Elvis fan (or another crazy lunatic) but I wanted you to know that my intent was not to set out to write another article about an Elvis sighting! I came upon this in maybe what some might even think of as a “spiritual” encounter!

OK, OK… here goes.

At the end of this article I will share the same video with you that I watched. If you’ve not watched it before and if you are a fan (of any degree) of the King of Rock ‘n Roll, you’ll find it fascinating. I now will tell you why I believe it to be factual!!!

Within this video they offer all kinds of evidence; some circumstantial, and some (such as DNA) that is unquestionable. Also when hearing the man “Jesse” being interviewed, to my “ear” that is the voice of Elvis. But this my friend is what clinched the deal for me and gives me 100% confidence that this is Elvis….

I’m a graphologist. We graphologists study handwriting; and handwriting does not lie. There is an interview of a graphologist in all of this investigation. This graphologist has no reason to lie. The graphologist compared the writing of the “pre-death” Elvis with the person who says he is Elvis (and DNA proves this also) and both writings match!

Bam! Done deal! Elvis is alive. That settles it for me.

You can imagine how Graceland Enterprises has to keep up the “show” to continue to make money with Elvis being “dead”. It seems that this is alright with Elvis because that is a page from his past. We’ll find out how things play out. For now, Elvis celebrated his eightieth birthday this last January so he knows that his time on this side of eternity is fleeting.

It’s with great excitement to share this video with you. Don’t make the same mistake I did and believe the lie. Elvis is alive!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this ! I never believed he died in 1977. I hope with all my heart he did leave and was able to live a good life.He impressed me as a very decent human being who believed and was very spiritual.I hope he found whatever he was searching for. I became a fan the first time I saw him in his comeback special and I was about 5. I am now 56 and will always be an Elvis admirer, but even as a child I was saddened by his unhappiness. It is a shame he did not get to have time with his daughter.I hope h did get to see her and all his grandkids.Nothing makes me feel the way i feel when i hear his voice, he touched so many lives and did make a difference to so many of us.

Ter Scott said...

He has been with his family... I believe that his family has been with him all of this time, at least on a limited basis; protecting his secret as he did this to protect them. Obviously his and their lives have been different than they would be if he was still in the public eye performing. But I think he has what's important for him and those he loves.