Elvis pronounced dead; at the age of 80. Hoax? I think not.

Friends, what a difference a week can make.

It is with great sadness that I inform you that Elvis really is dead; but as I mentioned before, he did not die in 1977 as most of the world believed. He died earlier this month.

I know that this all seems like an elaborate hoax, but I sincerely believe my words that I share with you here.

If you read my earlier post, you know that I was one who also thought Elvis had passed in 1977; I never gave it a second thought and also laughed at the “Elvis sightings”.

I mentioned in my post how I, being a graphologist, that when I heard that a graphologist had compared the writing of Elvis prior to his (supposed) death with that of a person going by the name of “Jesse” many years later after 1977 and found that the writing matched; I was convinced the two were one and the same. Handwriting does not lie and I believed that the graphologist would have no reason to lie. Plus it was said that the DNA also proved this. But, like I stated, it was the comparison in handwriting analysis that convinced me.

I stumbled upon a video by a graphologist who compared the writing. You watch it and judge for yourself. Then, I will share the sad news.

The sad news is that Elvis continued to live but under an assumed name; "Jesse" which was the name of his deceased twin brother who died at his birth. It’s sad because although he "died" because he wanted to live a “normal” life away from all the fame and fortune, I believe that under the witness protection program that he was also deprived of having quality time with his family and those he truly loved. I'm saddened too because I believe he lived the remaining years of his life as a lonely man. I'm thinking he may have looked back on his decision with at least some regrets and also that the government may have let him down. 

Recently a report was published in early October 2015 that an 80 year old homeless person who was known by “friends” as “Jesse” was found dead. The DNA matches that of the real Elvis Presley.


Now that (it seems) he has passed on I would like those who know the truth to come forward and share it with the world. It will be a shocker yes, and still many people will not believe it, but hopefully it will ease the pain of so many of his fans. I for one, feel more saddened today after finding out this news of “Jesse” passing on, than I was that day I came home in 1977 and seeing my foster mom distraught and in tears.

Today I’ve shared a video explaining Elvis' handwriting which I believe shows that Elvis lived beyond the 1977 episode. I also share an article and video that speaks about finding “Jesse” dead; with DNA matching that of Elvis. Those of you who know the truth, especially now that Elvis truly has gone on, please come forward and present what you know.


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