Handwriting Interpreter goes back in time as Brother Scott at the Wisconsin Ren in the Glen!

It was absolutely a wonderful and magical time at the Ren in the Glen! The people who host the event were awesome and the vendors were are great. Everyone was in character and true to the theme of the village. Unlike some ren fests where the emphasis is on making money (which is important) here it was more about the patrons having fun first and then buying stuff secondly. It was also a “safe place” so I didn’t have any worry with my granddaughter wondering around the village.

I was privileged to be accompanied by my daughter Traci (who actually assisted me with some of the analyses) and her 3 year old daughter Nia who became well known by every vendor.  I was in character as Brother Scott, a scribe who escaped from an evil king over in the next village. I escaped because this king wanted to keep the common people from learning how to read and write so they would not have the power to succeed in life. I referred to my daughter and granddaughter as my “birthday peasants”.

I explained graphology by explaining that even though the people of this village (or visitors) may not even know how to write, that I could tell much about their personality with just the size, and placement of  their simple mark placed on a piece of paper. I did several group presentations during the two days of the faire and followed this with private analyses. There was such a variety of samples of writings as I analyzed a tarot card reader, two belly dancers, and several other vendors not including the many visitors.

There aren’t many of us graphologists in the USA and even fewer with handwriting huts at renaissance fairs. Many people walking along the dirt path seeing my sign had no idea what a graphologist is and what he or she does. I explained how most graphologists will tell the person what the writing reveals like, “Your writing tells me that you have low self-esteem, thanks for your business; run along and have a nice day”.

I take it much further than most graphologists. Although I can’t do as much as I do in my 30 or 60 minute phone sessions (see www.terscott.com/handwriting) I usually spend 10 minutes minimum revealing the mysteries of their writing followed by Q and A so I really give them answers to their questions. The process of my private analyses is that I explain what the person’s writing reveals, how it shows me the personality trait in their writing (so they can see it and are part of the process) and I explain a few exercises they could do to change their writing to change their life if they chose to do so. This is called Grapho-Therapy and I talk about it in length in my Amazon Kindle Book: The Power of the Pen.

I look forward to being there again next year. If you are in the Minneapolis Minnesota/Menomonee Wisconsin area the last weekend of July, stop by! You can get more details at www.renintheglen.com. I also plan to be at other fairs and will of course be appearing at many events throughout the year.

Ter Scott is a graphologist and life coach. To book Ter Scott, visit www.terscott.com/handwriting. Or, call: the number shown above. 

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