Ter Scott offers books about Handwriting Analysis, Grapho-Therapy, and Calligraphy

A great time was had by all at the most recent "Power of the Pen" seminar. Readers of this blog will be getting details soon, plus savings on upcoming products (and pre-sale savings on the eBook that will be published on Amazon Kindle!)

By the way, if you can't "see" the products I'm suggesting, you may consider using a different web browser; it works better in Explorer. 

For now, here are a few books on the subject of Graphology:

Here are books and materials on Grapho-Therapy (Be watching for my Kindle version of Power of the Pen):

And here are a few books on the beautiful writing called "Calligraphy" that may interest you:

NOTE: Please make your purchase by clicking on the pictures above. By doing so you'll be taken to the Amazon page and when you make a purchase I will make a few pennies which helps me to support this blog (and offer free seminars to the community, etc.). As a reward for your purchase, forward your sales confirmation email to me (so I know that you made a purchase) using the email address at the top right of my site: www.terscott.com (not shown here for anti-spam purposes) and I will reply with a link to or the actual eBook that I've recently written as a free gift! 

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