Get a Free Handwriting Analysis at Ask Your Graphologist

How would you like Ter Scott (Handwriting Interpreter) to do a free handwriting analysis of your handwriting… Free?


One option would be to do what most people on the Internet do: You could go to and send a sample of your writing with a SASE using “snail mail”

Follow these steps and you’ll see your sample right here on Ask Your Graphologist with Ter’s comments!


  1. Take a blank sheet of paper, without lines, such as a piece of copier paper
  2. Write a paragraph of “what you did this morning” or something similar like how your day is going, or what you did at the zoo or grocery store; whatever…
  3. Sign your name on it (like you would if you were signing a check or something “official”).
  4. Then scan it and upload it at (Be sure to state FREE HANDWRITING ANALYSIS PLEASE in the message area).
  5. That’s it. Just check back and once in a while to see if your sample has been used in a post. (You’ll get emails every time a new post is added when you sign on as a “follower by email” which is free. Or, become a subscriber through by paying 99 cents a month!).
Pretty cool huh? Get out that paper, write something and scan it (saving it as a jpeg picture), and go to and upload it. We do reserve the right to refuse any submission. Also, give us time to publish your sample as we anticipate many samples. Keep checking back or subscribe to this blog by signing on as a "follower by email" on this page.

Make it a great day!

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