Amy Cuddy talks "Body Language" and Ter Scott talks "Grapho-Therapy" with his new book coming soon!

In the same way, Graphology, the study of writing, reveals personality whch includes body language. Grapho-therapy reveals how one can make changes in his/her writing that then in turn, will make changes in their personality and body language, etc. Cool huh?

Watching Amy present her information, I was reminded how Anthony Robbins tells us how we can change our outcome instantly by changing our stance, and Amy mentions a bit about this in our body language when she states that we can "fake it, until we make it".

I just taught a seminar about Grapho-therapy and will have a new product available via Amazon and other outlets soon. Please be watching for it. If you would like a heads-up and a special pre release special pricing, let me know by your request at: in the message box.

To watch Amy's very interesting video, click here.

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