Get a Free Handwriting Analysis at Ask Your Graphologist

How would you like Ter Scott (Handwriting Interpreter) to do a free handwriting analysis of your handwriting… Free?


One option would be to do what most people on the Internet do: You could go to and send a sample of your writing with a SASE using “snail mail”

Follow these steps and you’ll see your sample right here on Ask Your Graphologist with Ter’s comments!


  1. Take a blank sheet of paper, without lines, such as a piece of copier paper
  2. Write a paragraph of “what you did this morning” or something similar like how your day is going, or what you did at the zoo or grocery store; whatever…
  3. Sign your name on it (like you would if you were signing a check or something “official”).
  4. Then scan it and upload it at (Be sure to state FREE HANDWRITING ANALYSIS PLEASE in the message area).
  5. That’s it. Just check back and once in a while to see if your sample has been used in a post. (You’ll get emails every time a new post is added when you sign on as a “follower by email” which is free. Or, become a subscriber through by paying 99 cents a month!).
Pretty cool huh? Get out that paper, write something and scan it (saving it as a jpeg picture), and go to and upload it. We do reserve the right to refuse any submission. Also, give us time to publish your sample as we anticipate many samples. Keep checking back or subscribe to this blog by signing on as a "follower by email" on this page.

Make it a great day!

Guest Blogging at Ask Your Graphologist

Brag about your handwriting or just share your experience with graphology. As long as it is worthy, relevant, and profitable, your chances of having it published here is pretty good.

  1. Look over this blog; read some articles so you know what we’re about.
  2. Write something worthy, relevant, and profitable to our readers.
  3. Go to: and inquire or upload your article and one or two photos.
  4. We will review it and get back to you. If accepted, we’ll publish your article (we reserve the right to shorten and edit it) and we’ll link to your blog or website!



Amy Cuddy talks "Body Language" and Ter Scott talks "Grapho-Therapy" with his new book coming soon!

In the same way, Graphology, the study of writing, reveals personality whch includes body language. Grapho-therapy reveals how one can make changes in his/her writing that then in turn, will make changes in their personality and body language, etc. Cool huh?

Watching Amy present her information, I was reminded how Anthony Robbins tells us how we can change our outcome instantly by changing our stance, and Amy mentions a bit about this in our body language when she states that we can "fake it, until we make it".

I just taught a seminar about Grapho-therapy and will have a new product available via Amazon and other outlets soon. Please be watching for it. If you would like a heads-up and a special pre release special pricing, let me know by your request at: in the message box.

To watch Amy's very interesting video, click here.

It doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are...

I saw this on Facebook and wanted to share it with my readers.!/JaiMcDowallMusic/photos/a.626848250691523.1073741826.198809836828702/698152470227767/?type=1&theater
The reason why I share this is to illustrate what I "look" at when I do a handwriting analysis. This is pretty much what I "see" when I look at a paragraph of writing by someone; I don't look at the "content", but how the paragraph looks, and the letters look, etc. This is definitely great fun reading this and I learned something! Very cool!

Do you know of someone who "doodles" their signature all day long?

What kind of person doodles their signature
over and over on things?

If you agree with my answer, please CLICK HERE to visit YAHOO ANSWERS and vote for my response.

Here's what I said:

A person’s signature displays how one wants to be perceived by the public. By “practicing” one’s signature, this could denote that the person is unsatisfied with his or her public image and wants to change it. Also, when one writes their name over and over, they are subconsciously trying to figure themselves out or have something about themselves that is troubling them. As a final note, when using what is called Grapho-therapy, when one consciously makes positive changes in handwriting, this will in turn positively change one’s life; this person may be writing his name over and over to do this. However I’m leaning more toward the idea that he is troubled with something in his life; specifically his public life.

What do you think? Please go to YAHOO ANSWERS and vote for my answer if you like it!

Make it a great day!

Ter Scott!