Handwriting Interpreter Joins Side of School Teachers in Promoting Learning Cursive

Learning Cursive Handwriting Skills Cut from Schools; what are they thinking?

The pendulum swings. I’m old enough that while I was growing up, I knew people who could not write a word (or read) so their signature was an “x” and this was a “legal” signature. Then the school systems, parents and society wanted a better lifestyle for everyone so they taught the three “R”s; reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic (math for those who don’t hear this word much anymore). But today we hear of doing away with learning cursive.

Mistake; BIG mistake!

In my public presentations I show the audience how by writing an “x” on their paper that I can still “read” their personality and tell them so much about them. So, writing a single letter or even when using “printing” this can still be analyzed.

But writing does so much more; eye hand coordination, discipline (like learning anything such as playing and instrument), but there is one more thing that is often times overlooked; Graphotherapy. Grapho-what you ask?

Graphotherapy, as I explain in my online and offline classes titled “Change Your Handwriting to Change Your Life” is the act of literally changing how one writes to improve areas in their life that they want changed. Simple actions such as raising one’s T bar strokes to be higher or increasing the size of one’s personal pronoun “I” will, over time increase one’s self esteem. Creating loops in one’s writing can help reduce stress. Much of these things will be “no more” without “cursive” writing.

My teacher colleagues may have other reasons not to say “goodbye” to this skill, but as a Graphologist, these are a few of my reasons.

Contact Ter Scott Handwriting Interpreter at: www.terscott.com/handwriting.

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