How many days before Ren in the Glen?

I am looking forward to presenting (as Brother Scott) at the Renfest: Ren in the Glen in July! 

This will be great fun because I will do my "usual" (which never is "usual" because I always customize my talks to the audience) but will tweak it to be in a renaissance setting. I will present to a group setting a couple of times in the day followed by individual analyses.


Since I usually do not have much time to interact with the other vendors at the event, I have a special gift for you (Vendors Only Please). If you fax me a copy of your signature (actual size), I will tell you what it means and display it at the Ren in the Glen Facebook page; anytime up to the event. FAX: 888-TwoFortyOne-4zerothirtyone.

(By the way, the countdown shows one day prior to the actual date because I will personally be there early to set up ). The actual dates are:

A Renaissance Faire in Glenwood City, Wisconsin
July 25-26, 2015

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